W3C の仕様勧告プロセスに大幅変更の可能性

W3C の仕様勧告プロセスを大きく変更することが提案されています。勧告案を廃止し、最終草案と勧告候補を統合することで、プロセスの簡略化が行われるようです。

W3CRevising W3C Process Community Group のメーリングリストに 「Revisions to Chapter 7 of the W3C Process Document」 という内容のメールが 10月 24日付けで投稿 (投稿者は Jeffrey Jaffe 氏 / W3C CEO) されています。これによると、W3C の仕様勧告プロセスが大きく変更されるとのこと。


The Advisory Board proposes revisions to Chapter 7 (Technical Report Development Process) of the W3C Process to make it simpler to understand, crisper to execute, yet still consistent with the patent policy, by enabling process steps to happen in parallel.

Revisions to Chapter 7 of the W3C Process Document from Jeff Jaffe on 2013-10-24 (public-w3process@w3.org from October 2013) から引用

変更が提案されているのは、W3C の勧告プロセスをまとめた 「World Wide Web Consortium Process Document」 の第 7 章、「7 W3C Technical Report Development Process」 について。

具体的な変更案は、草案 (Working Draft) として下記に公開されています。


  1. Working Draft (WD) - 草案
  2. Last Call Working Draft (LC / LCWD) - 最終草案
  3. Candidate Recommendation (CR) - 勧告候補
  4. Proposed Recommendation (PR) - 勧告案
  5. W3C Recommendation (REC) - W3C 勧告

LC (最終草案) と CR (勧告候補) を LC/CR (最終勧告候補) にまとめてしまい、さらに PR (勧告案) をなくして、下記のようにしましょうという点。

  1. Working Draft (WD) - 草案
  2. Last Call Candidate Recommendation (LC/CR) - 最終勧告候補
  3. W3C Recommendation (REC) - W3C 勧告



*Motivation:* Web technology development has changed greatly over the past 20 years, and these changes keep the W3C Process in step. Just as "agile" software development stresses rapid iteration between design and implementation, Web technologies are now implemented and deployed in parallel with spec development. This allows us to combine the Last Call and Candidate Recommendation steps since implementation and testing are more frequently happening earlier than when the W3C Process was formulated. The recent emphasis on early and continuous testing, plus the reality that almost all WGs operate in public, means that specs are widely reviewed in parallel with their polishing and testing. Having fewer process steps while making the entrance and exit criteria more clear and explicit should make the process simpler to understand. Refinement and review activities happen in parallel which should make standardization faster. We maintain alignment with the Patent Policy to minimize disruption. In addition to combining LC and CR, the definitions of "wide review" and "implementation experience" are clarified and some non-normative "advice" has been removed to provide crisper exposition.

Revisions to Chapter 7 of the W3C Process Document from Jeff Jaffe on 2013-10-24 (public-w3process@w3.org from October 2013) から引用
