
Google が不正アクセスなどから自分の情報を守るためにパスワードを強固なものにするためのアドバイスを公開していました。

GoogleGoogle Official Blog で、不正アクセスなどから自分の情報を守るためにパスワードを強固なものにするためのアドバイスを公開していましたので紹介。

書いてあることはごく当たり前のことですが、あまり知識のない人には役立つ情報だと思います。iPad を買って、最近インターネットにはまりだしたお父さんやお母さんなど、周りにいましたら教えてあげましょう。

But you can also help keep your information safe. Think of how upset you would be if someone else got access to your Google Account without your permission, and then take five minutes to follow the steps below and help make it more secure. Let's start with the key to unlocking your account--your password:

Helping passwords better protect you : Official Blog から引用

時間は 5分もあれば十分だから、大切な情報を他人に覗かれて慌てる前に、ここで紹介する方法を実践しましょう。


1. 重要なサービスは、それぞれ別々のパスワードを設定しましょう。

1. Use a different password for each important service

Make sure you have a different password for every important online account you have. Bad guys will steal your username and password from one site, and then use them to try to log into lots of other sites where you might have an account. Even large, reputable sites sometimes have their password databases stolen. If you use the same password across many different sites, there's a greater chance it might end up on a list of stolen passwords. And the more accounts you have that use that password, the more data you might lose if that password is stolen.


これは、過去にこの Blog でも書いていますのでご参考まで。

2. 推測されにくいパスワードを使いましょう。

2. Make your password hard to guess

"password." "123456." "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!" These examples are terrible passwords because everyone knows them--including potential attackers. Making your passwords longer or more complicated makes them harder to guess for both bad guys and people who know you. We know it's hard: the average password is shorter than 8 characters, and many just contain letters. In a database of 32 million real passwords that were made public in 2009, analysis showed (PDF) only 54 percent included numbers, and only 3.7 percent had special characters like & or $.

「password」 とか 「123456」 とか簡単に推測されるのでやめましょう。パスワードが長く、複雑なほど、パスワードを推測されるリスクは軽減されます。

パスワードが 8文字以下の場合、ほとんどがアルファベットだけという調査結果があります。2009年に公開された、3,200万件のパスワードを分析した結果 (PDF 資料) では、パスワードに数字を含むのは、全体の 54%。 「&」 や 「$」 といった特殊な文字を含むパスワードは、3.7% だけでした。

For example, for your email you could think of a personal message like "I want to get better at responding to emails quickly and concisely" and then build your password from numbers, symbols, and the first letters of each word--"iw2gb@r2eq&c".

例えば、「I want to get better at responding to emails quickly and concisely」 なんて文章から、1文字づつとって、「iw2gb@r2eq&c」 なんてパスワードを設定すれば、それはかなり強固なパスワードになります。

これわかりますかね? 太字にしてみるとわかりやすいかと。

I want to get better at responding to emails quickly and concisely」

3. あなたのパスワードをどこか安全な場所に保存しましょう。

3. Keep your password somewhere safe

Research shows (PDF) that worrying about remembering too many passwords is the chief reason people reuse certain passwords across multiple services. But don't worry--if you've created so many passwords that it's hard to remember them, it's OK to make a list and write them down. Just make sure you keep your list in a safe place, where you won't lose it and others won't be able to find it. If you'd prefer to manage your passwords digitally, a trusted password manager might be a good option. Chrome and many web browsers have free password managers built into them, and there are many independent options as well--take a few minutes to read through reviews and see what would be best for your needs.


パソコン上に保存しておきたければ、やはり、信頼できるパスワードマネージャーを使いましょう。Google Chrome にはパスワード管理機能があるよ (宣伝)。

4. リカバリーできるオプションを設定しておきましょう。

4. Set a recovery option

Have you ever forgotten your password? Has one of your friends ever been locked out of their account? Setting a recovery option, like an alternate email address or a telephone number, helps give the service provider another way to contact you if you are ever locked out of your account. Having an up-to-date recovery phone or email address is the best thing you can do to make sure you can get back into your account fast if there is ever a problem.


